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Written and produced



14 E Washington St. Apt 7D


Mike Major

Additional guitar

Eric Johnson


John Newby

Cover art



2016, Nap Factory Records, digital

Dirigibles is the first studio recording by JXMAS, released November 14, 2016, by Young Tobacco Records and later Nap Factory. It was produced in Indianapolis, IN, by Jonathon Newby (as JXMAS). Described as "rococo pop" for its ornamental sound and Jules Verne-esque imagery, the album's inspirations include Supertramp, Elton John and Mercury Rev and features a number of discarded songs that were saved from previous writing sessions with the band Brazil. Lyrical themes include escapism, nostalgia, and a sense of melancholy wonder. It was recorded in Indianapolis, IN.

Songs from Dirigibles have never been played live.

Read more about JXMAS



Take a look in a mirror / Is what you see what you had hoped? Or is it one in a million / One of a million miles to go? / Another missed connection frustrated, far away and slow / Would you rather stay or would you rather be a dirigible? / Don’t need directions whichever way the winds blow it can last forever it only ends when you say so / Float around the heavens in between the ocean and the sun / You were made for flying made to be a dirigible / We can start a fire make up our minds we wanna go / These are days of magic these are days of magic for your soul / There’ll be no more crying escape the world’s undertow / We were made for flying

made to be dirigibles

Lucky Star

I knew the moment you came my favorite song that you sang you brought the comets to a halt / A laser pointed my way somehow you knew my first name I don’t have anything on you at all / Let’s make this our own song change keys and change the sound add violins and change the name / Write lyrics one by one / we can slow the tempo down I’ll be watching when you take the stage / I never knew your name was taken from an opera / My lucky star mama mia / I saw you in another life you chased me with a kitchen knife / they say you are the preacher's wife / Oh

Let's Go Outside

Let’s go outside let’s go outside let’s go unwind and let go tonight / The sun sets and it goes behind all of the houses when the lights are coming on one by one and I run down the sidewalk watching for that crack the one that always trips me, but i run anyway / The fireflies lighting on the grass like Japanese lanterns floating away and we’ll walk all around the neighborhood until we pass out in a hammock hanging from a tree / And all the things from early in the day the things that crack and make you cry they melt all away into the night where everything smells like trees

The Last Summer

Letting go of forever the endless summer nights when we rode around / In a dream I was much younger / In a dream I had nothing to wake me up / Falling back on a memory we were never lost but we were never found / In a dream we had each other / In a dream we got away with never growing old / The sound of the thunder the fast approaching rain and the darkening clouds / In a dream we were together / In a dream this was forever / Say goodbye to the summer turn around and make your new adventure /The sun goes up, the sun goes down but in the end life goes on things are lost, things are found, but in the end life goes on / Take a breath, turn the page, in the end life goes on / Let it go, ride the wave, in the end life goes on


When the sun goes down and the moon comes up behind the rockets and all i see is you / Through the glass I see you’re the one I’m aching to be free and I hope you’ll float away with me / Every time I fall through the clouds I end up in your space a blinking circling satellite / Through the fog, the radioactive shroud / The acid-tasting clouds, is where i breathe your atmosphere / Outer space is cold all alone a helmet helps me swallow all the breaths you take away from me / I’m floating, orbiting around you / Nothing else matters I’m on the outside looking higher and higher and higher and higher

In the Name of Science



We should stay together always and forever as we float through the aether / Come on love tender come on love me strong give me some oxygen or I won’t last long / I thought you were fading away I thought you were gone / Escaping the atmosphere like a tether undone / And ground control is freaking cause they don’t know what’s going on / My captain’s heart is racing I can’t turn it off or turn it on / I see the lights of all the cities from outer space looking down over the arc of the horizon I can see the sun setting now / You’re once in a lifetime yeah you alone a spaceship to heaven my voyage home / I’ll set the dials for your constellation and i’ll meet you there I want to stay together

Beautiful Dazzling Lights

Sit with me under the Milky Way there’s nothing left to do today / We can watch the flashes cross the sky / we’ll sleep under the stars tonight / And no one knows just what they are could be a satellite or a shooting star those beautiful, dazzling lights are beautiful tonight/ So take a look into my eyes there’s a supernova light inside a connection to everyone there’s a galaxy inside our bones / And no one knows just what it is a universe in a simple kiss and we are all made of stars you and me and everyone / Those beautiful, dazzling lights / We’re beautiful tonight

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